CSJESA - Centre for Juridical, Economic and Socio-Administrative Studies

The „Youth Building a Civic Romania” project

The „Youth Building a Civic Romania” project will be managed by the Civic Education Project and Academic Development Foundation (FPECDA). The project identifies and adresses the divide between formal democratic institutions and the informal institutionalization within the Romanian society of discriminatory practices and attitudes. The main objective is to promote human rights by increasing the knowledge, awareness and sensitivity of the public towards general issues such as homofobia, racism, hate speech and sexual harassment. It also aims at developing our organisations capacity to further develop such activities in the future. The expected outcomes of the project are: promoting active citizenship and democratic values, including human rights. The target group is made up of  1340 young people, in the 16 – 25 age group. The partners we are going to involve in the project are: ANA Society, National College „Ion Neculce” and the „Nicolae Titulescu University”. These partners have been selected based on their contribution to reaching the target group and the academic expertise of their respective members in the area of descrimination and gender issues.


Fundatia Proiectul de Educatie Civica si Dezvoltare Academica (ECDA) in parteneriat cu Societatea Culturală Științifică de Analize ANA, Colegiul Național “Ion Neculce” și Universitatea “Nicolae Titulescu” anunță încheierea proiectului “Tinerii construiesc o Românie civică” derulat de Fundația Proiectul de Educație Civică și Dezvoltare Academică (ECDA) – Proiect finanțat prin granturile SEE, 2009-2014, în cadrul Fondului ONG în România, cu o finanțare de 59.500 euro.

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