CSJESA - Centrul de Studii Juridice, Economice şi Socio-Administrative

LESIJ – Lex ET Scientia International Journal

A apărut ultimul număr al revistei LESIJ – Lex ET Scientia International Journal, periodic al Facultății de drept din cadrul universității noastre. Din sumarul LESIJ nr. XXVI, vol. 2/2019 menționăm:
Nóra JAKAB – Social Dimension of the EU – The Pillar’s Impact on European Labour Law;
Valentina BĂRBĂȚEANU – Personal Data Protection Issue Reflected in the Case-Law of the Constitutional Court of Romania;
Maria-Cristina SOLACOLU – Comparison Between the Legal Particularities of Romania’s and the United Kingdom’s Membership of the European Union;
Andrei ZARAFIU – Prosecuting Charges for the Accomplishment of Certain Legal Activities. Protection, Guarantees and Limits in the Practice of the Lawyer Profession;
Tudorel B. BUTOI, Corina Florenţa POPESCU – Polygraph Investigation Technique (Lie Detector), A Legal Fiction From The Probative Force Point Of View – Possibilities and Limits.
LESIJ este disponibilă și în format electronic, cu același conținut, la adresa http://lexetscientia.univnt.ro/