The academics from the Nicolae Titulescu University perform a fruitful scientific activity within the Centre for Juridical, Economic and Socio-Administrative Studies (CSJESA). CSJESA is accredited to perform research and development activities by the Decision of the National Authority for Scientific Research no. 9696/14.07.2008. The University has three scientific research centres: 1) The Centre for Juridical Studies; 2) The Centre for Economic Studies; 3) The Centre for Socio-Administrative Studies.
The outcomes of the research activity are published in numerous treatises, courses and monographies by important publishing houses from the country. At the same time, members of CSEJA publish their research works in national and international journals which are indexed in renowned databases (Thomson Reuters, Index Copernicus, CEEOL, EBSCO CEEAS, etc).
Research projects play an important role in the research and development activity and they are financed from public/private national and international funds and some are won in competitions.
Thus, during the last years, CSJEA implemented important projects such as Preventing and Fighting against Drug Trafficking and Consumption Prior to Joining the EU. Measures for Increasing Efficiency, Prevention and Fight against Drug Dealing and Consumption (research contract no. 35/2006, concluded with the Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education and Scientific Research), Criminal Trial in Romania, between Celerity and Legality (research contract no. 727/2007, concluded with the Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education and Scientific Research), Fundamentals of EU Criminal Law (research contract no. 27/2010, concluded with the Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education and Scientific Research), Unifying and Harmonizing Jurisprudence with ECHR Jurisprudence – a Necessary Step for Achieving Justice.
The annual organization of the international scientific conference CKS, the “Challenges of the Knowledge Society”, which already enjoys wide appreciation in the field of social sciences scientific events, is of major importance for the research and development activity performed by the Nicolae Titulescu University. Starting with 2009, the volume of the conference, CKS eBook, published by the Pro Universitaria Publishing House, which is accredited by the CNCSIS, is indexed in the well-known international EBSCO CEEAS database.
The Annual Student Conference CONSTANT was organized by the Nicolae Titulescu University in partnership with the University from Miskolc, Hungary, in order to encourage undergraduates and master students to perform research work.
The volume of the conference, CONSTANT eBook, is published by the Pro Universitaria Publishing House, which is accredited by the CNCSIS.